Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter, Part One

So getting our camera back has made us all a bit photo happy. From last night to this morning I took 45 pictures – I have pared them down here, but as The Man noted, none of our readers will complain about too many pictures. So we will begin with coloring eggs last night. Unfortunately our poor little tired Scamp was in bed for the event, but Doc took up the slack for him.





As you can see, he had a great time with the eggs. We even took a video of the process, and it is incredibly long, so only click on it if you have time.

This morning we got up bright and early and went to our favorite new breakfast place, Over Easy. The excitement was too much for Doc, and after several warnings he ended up in time out:


No surprise to us, he has been testing his boundaries quite a bit lately. His brother was happy to sit in his chair and drink some milk:


Afterwards we headed off to 9 o’clock Mass – possibly the most crowded church service of the season outside of Christmas Eve. At the beginning, everyone was calm:


but as time wore on, we needed some diversions:


and then, unfortunately, complete removal from the situation:


Of course Easter Mass was over an hour long, and the boys don’t have much of an attention span. Once we arrived home they were back on their game and ready to collect the eggs left by the Easter Bunny.


Ok, so he doesn’t look too thrilled. Maybe he was hot – it is 90 degrees here today. But they both perservered:



Being one year old means needing some assistance, and much pointing ensued regarding the locations of the eggs:



So far this has been a great Easter for everyone – both kids took naps at the same time, and we were able to relax and read the paper while they slept. Soon we’re off to another family gathering for more egg hunting, eating, and photo opportunities. It’s good to have a camera again!

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